Sunday, February 07, 2010

Super (Bowl) Ad

If you caught the Super Bowl you noticed a few things. Yes, it was a really good game, that's a given. But I'm talking about the real reason most people watch the game, the commercials. More than likely, you found yourself in a crowded living room, sandwiched in between a couple of coworkers/church ladies/friends on a your host's couch. People talked throughout the entire game, most gave up during the second half, and everyone asked, "Who are these old guys?" at halftime. (That joke is doubly funny because the band is actually named... ah well, you get it.) Anyway, while watching the commercials you probably noticed a few things:

1. Dogs love chips. Babies like the stock market. Men like beer more than all the dogs and babies in the world combined.
2. The media overhyped Tim Tebow. Oh wait, you already knew that.
3. If you ever see Danica Patrick with another woman, someone is taking off their shirt.

The truth is, we didn't see anything new. There were no refreshing ads. No original creativity. In fact, for the third year in a row, the game was better than the commercials.

That won't change anything around the water cooler tomorrow. You'll still be expected to defend your favorite. That's why I have a contender to consider. Funny? No. Monkeys on roller skates? No. Simple but amazing storytelling? Yes.

1 comment:

Jason Dell said...

Well said - great game! Underwhelmed by the ads... Google rocks as usual.